BG Platinum 44K
Delivers powerful cleaning to modern lean-burn GDI fuel delivery and combustion systems.
It cleans the entire fuel system, including fuel injectors, intake valves, ports, fuel filters and combustion chambers.

BG 245 Premium Diesel Fuel System Cleaner
Removes and dissolves deposits from the entire diesel injection system, including fuel injectors and combustion chambers. It especially effective in removing heavy deposits inside the injectors of high-temperature HPCR fuel delivery systems Plus, BG 245 contains a fuel lubricity agent and cetane improver for cold starts.

BG EPR Engine Performance Restoration
Softens and dissolves hard-to-remove deposits from piston rings! Properly sealed combustion chambers improve compression and reduce oil dilution through blowby.
Unlike traditional engine flush products, it will not dilute engine oil while cleaning.
It is safe to use in any situation and will provide adequate lubrication while it is cleaning.
Is formulated with 100% synthetic chemistry and maintains diesel engine oil performance during the extremes of diesel engine operation for up to 15.000km service interval.
BG DOC is designed to improve diesel engine oil and provide additional benefits like control for soot formation in diesel engines.
BG Advanced Formula MOA
For Hybrids maintains engine performance and provides superior engine protection.
It is formulated with 100 percent synthetic chemistry to protect components in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).